30 years ago, many years before the internet and blogging, Rochdale's Alternative Paper (RAP) published “The Strange Case of Smith the Man”.
Serious allegations were published of Cyril Smith sexually abusing vulnerable young lads (15-17yrs) at Cambridge House hostel in the early 1960's.
Although the Rochdale Observer did not print any mention whatsoever of these extremely serious claims of local sex abuse, the allegations were repeated nationally in May 1979's Private Eye magazine. Libel lawyers acting for both RAP and Private Eye were consulted. The advice was clear- if the claims are true and can be substantiated- then publish and be damned.
Cyril Smith NEVER sued.
The local Establishment shamefully swept the whole episode under the carpet. In the same way the original criminal investigation and questioning of Cyril Smith in the late 1960's was 'handled discreetly' to avoid much attention.
Are the files relating to Cyril Smith, supposedly taken by Special Branch in the early 1970's, still safe and sound somewhere in that there London?
With this week's publication of the Ryan Commission Report, the Irish Republic has been rocked by terrible accounts of sexual abuse of vulnerable young people by the Christian Brothers, Sisters of Mercy and other associated institutions.
Paul Rowen MP together with his political agent Dave Hennigan and other local Lib Demmers, such as Jimmy Cricket's son Cllr Dale Mulgrew, all play heavily in their political careers on their strong Irish heritage. They will know about the terrible news and shocking accounts coming from Ireland.
Any right-thinking person would feel disgust at the cruel and abusive treatment alleged by many Irish victims. Anyone with a conscience would want to ensure past abuse is never forgotten or repeated.
Yet why does there remain a shameful conspiracy of silence in Rochdale over the shocking allegations about Cyril Smith sexually abusing vulnerable young lads?
There are a number of lessons from Ireland that are relevant for Rochdale:
- Despite shameful attempts at cover-up, deals and collusion, Establishment figures eventually have to account for themselves.
- Victims do not forget and often demand justice.
- The public and media also demand justice.
- Decades do not fade the cruel damage caused by abuse.
Well said!
when are the police going to investigate this monster and the people who have protected him for so long?
Time is not a healer.
Justice is.
just found this incredible blog by googleing the words Rochdale Lib Dems and Sweeping under the carpet - the carpet phrase Nick Clegg used yesterday.
If these allegations hold water then how come Sir Cyril Smith hasn't been arrested?
RIP Edward Teague
It looks as though the truth is finally emerging in Ireland.
A painful terrible truth.
Will Rochdale ever have justice and the truth about the terrible allegations about Cyril Smith?
How has silence been kept for so long?
I'll ask my Liberal candidate about this.
Jeremy Thorpe
Mark Oaten
Cyril Smith
Mark Oaten?
If you want a Rochdale connection to him then ask Mr Oaten about Charles Edward Lord - a Rochdale Lad and East Lancashire Freemason done good.
He is Paul Rowen's secret Westminster employee. Never openly mentioned but on the books according to parliamentary records.
Charles Edward Lord as a precotious and very ambitious conservative youth will have had contact with Rochdale tories Dave Trippier and Pamela Horton. He should know some of the "complexities" of Rochdale politics and Cyril Smith.
Who knows just how deep the cabal of Rochdale sexual abuse goes?
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