Thursday 14 May 2009

Crooning swinger gets cut short at charidee event

Paul Rowen has an expensive way with words. But that comes with claiming a very high Parliamentary communications expense.

In his [sic] latest missive on Rochdale Online there is a sorry tale that could be mistaken for a slur on local cuisine.

After yet another mysterious plug for local businessman Terry Mason, Paul (or is it Dave/Adam?) goes on to describe future Mayor, swinging Keith Swift's shortened stint crooning at the India Lounge. (Both still available for parties/coroporate entertainment at short notice)

No explanation about how poor Keith bacame ill. Just a quick plug for the charidee event then a description of the Rochdale Online "business development executive" being rushed to infirmary.

Is that a way to curry favour with local businesses that host local Lib Dem bashes?

Get well soon Keith.

It looks as though being an ambitious local Lib Dem is a hazardous activity. Especially after the heated competition to fill poor Cllr Alan Taylor's trunks as leader of Rochdale Council.

With the Hothouses now out of the frame, the competition for Alan's civic crown jewels is becoming nasty. Had the Lib Dem "Rat Pack" soprano been munching on a spiked onion bhajee meant for someone else? Was he about to sing like a canary about party shenanighans?

Poor Alan. Is he about to be "retired" this weekend?

Who will wake up next to a horses head this Sunday morning?

The hairdresser or the "acting" leader?


Anonymous said...

Well, well, well. After all the arguments, threats and plotting, they bottled it. The useless Alan Taylor remains as leader.

Irene Davidson takes over Wera's post, Andrew Abbot takes over William's township post and - here's the best bit of all - the man who doesn't even have a competent grasp of English and who has zero educational qualifications - takes over the education portfolio!

Step forward Zulf Ali! Rochdale's illiterate education boss!

Anonymous said...

Alan will always be protected. He knows far too much about Cyril Smith.

Anonymous said...

Brenda Kerslake has just resigned from Rochdale Liberal Democrats in protest at their undeomocratic policies and all round crapness.

At last a councillor with some principles.