The phrase and photo taken shamelessly from Postman Patel's blog and Rochdale Rapper's comments.
A good point well made.
Rochdale's current MP Paul Rowen is the Lib Dem's shadow, shadow Minister for Work and Pensions.
Is he is also an employer - apparently with 1.5 staff members based in the Rochdale Drake Street HQ - where despite the commercial property collapse, the rent (paid for by the taxpayer?) seems to have gone up by a spanking 400%.
One and a half Rochdale based employees? If one is international boy of mystery Adam Power, does that make wee spin paramedic Dave Hennighan... MiniMe?

After all, diddy Dave Hennigan is a part-time DJ. It is all starting to make sense.

But who would play Cyril Smith in the Mike Myers film of the Rochdale scandal?

Oh no, Adam Power can't be the current MP's employee- it seems Paul Rowen allowed Adam to say he wasn't. This was after Kevin Maguire in the Mirror revealed that Master Power was acting in a most unparliamentary way by spinning and briefing against Labour MP Tony Lloyd and making false allegations about libel threats. If Paul Rowen was Adam's employer then he could be 'vicariously' liable for such a ungentlemanly conduct on behalf of a supposedly Honourable Member.
Sounds like a case for Black Rod.
But Adam tells his Facebook chums he is an intern for an MP. The Rochdale Lib Dem website is still published and promoted by Adam Power, still from Drake Strett (sic), Rochdale. And there is photographic evidence of Paul and Adam joined at the hip.

So who pays for Adam Power? If not the taxpayer is it the Rochdale Council taxpayer via a pooling of some of the Rochdale Lib Dem Councillor's allowances donated to the local party?
Or does he do a lot of work, like his buddy Dave Hennigan says he does, for nothing?
So how much does Dave Hennigan get paid? If it comes from the taxpayer we should know (plus if there are any female workers on Paul Rowen's payroll they should be able to check for any gender disparity in pay).
After all, Paul Rowen is the Lib Dem shadow Works and Pensions Minister.
Does this mean Adam Power works but doesn't get paid? A worker for the Lib Dem Shadow Minister for Work and Pensions on less than Minimum Wage?
Or paid, somehow, from a Parliamentary allowance for a mysterious employee that Paul Rowen has denied is on the payroll?
Or paid from a shadowy slush fund that includes 'donations' from local Councillor's allowances that is supposed to be for the benefit of the individual councillor not the party?
What a conundrum.
A Parliamentary statement should clear things up.

Very good. Is this a good cover up for the ongoing problems in Rochdale Labour Party?
Three in the morning and Hennigan is still at it. My word, that boy has stamina. No need for him to be dreaming of a white Christmas.
How's the coup to topple Alan Taylor coming along?
Be very careful Dave, sorry, Anonymous 03:29 - it appears you have been making allegations that could see you and your boss in very hot water.
Now, seeing as Paul is shadow Lib Dem Work & Pensions Minister- who pays your (and Adam's) National Insurance Contributions?
Who is this that is running this website?
Obviously diddy DJ Dave Hennigan pays the currect tax and National Insurance contribution on any second income he gets cash in hand for.
As Dave's 9-5 boss is Paul Rowen MP a Lib Dem spokesman for Work and Pension then surely all is above board.
Jan 31st Dave.
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