" I have always striven to put Rochdale first".

Oh, the irony of such drivel. Within days, the Daily Telegraph published details of Paul Rowen's second paid job. Cash and employment that was reported by RAW last month.
The Telegraph is clear about Paul Rowen's second job Ugandan shenahighans:
Paul Rowen
Lib Dem, Rochdale
Paid £1,500 last year as a director of a Corinya, a company investing in property in Uganda. He attends meetings in the east African country at least once a year.
£1500? Tax Free? Property company? Links with Property development in Rochdale and Rochdale Council contracts? Attending Ugandan meetings at least once a year?As the wheels fall off the regeneration of Rochdale, with manufacturing industry and retail leaving our town in droves, Rochdale's current MP is "striving to put Rochdale first" by being paid by property developers, with strong links to Rochdale, to attend Ugandan meetings and Kampalan Rotary Club dinners with his second job income?
Unlike Cyril Smith, RAW doesn't beleive in corporal punishment. A naughty Paul Rowen must be punished by writing out 100 lines:
"I must strive for Rochdale harder"

how long has Paul Rowen been paid by Corinya?
how did this business arrangement come about?
does Paul Rowen pay UK tax on his Ugandan pay?
does Paul Rowen receive any other benefits from his Ugandan sprees? - meals, travel, entertainment, accommodation or other 'perks'?
-how long before Dave Hennigan tries to spin Paul's woes into something positive? Paul does it for charidee? It won't wash - unless Paul can show that every penny he has received from Corinya went to charidee BEFORE They Work For You published the declaration and the Telegraph published the grubby details of the cash.
What are Paul Rowen's views on corporal punishment?
Didn't the old Spanker take a keen interest in this Young Liberal's development in the early 1970's?
Did Cyril discuss Uganda with fresh faced Paul when travelling down to meet him at his university?
Or if naughty, was Paul put over Cyril's knee in the big fella's Mercedes?
Nice One Cyril. You have a lot to answer for.
what did Corinya get for that?
what did Rowen have to do?
how long did it take and how long was Rowen away from Rochdale or Westminster to do it?
how long has Rowen been at it with Corinya? 5 years? Before that?
Like Cyril Smith says - "you don't get owt for nowt lad"
check out Rowen's links with the Ariens and those who do 'business' with them.
Very very dodgy.
He is so deep in the shite with them he could never come out smelling of roses.
And if these Rochdale 'businessmen' were ever threatened, they could bury him with what they know about his political sleeze, personal life and third world charity tourism to childrens homes.
Cyril Smith deja vu?
"last year"?
How about all the other years since the company was founded?
The parent company own shitloads of property in Rochdale as you have reported. Lots of people's homes in the constituency. And lots of commercial property.
Including an office rented by Rochdale MBC, and a couple of pubs!
so when Rowen bleats on about "much needed homes" and saving the english pub then he is actually helping to keep cash in the pocket of a Rochdale based property company that owns and rents out houses in Rochdale and offices to Rochdale Council?
you will be telling us next that his car is supplied by Terry Mason car sales- he of the Tsunami holiday and charidee tourism.
ah well, still not as bad as an alleged sex offender like Cyril Smith actually being the patron of a Rochdale Children's home.
Unless Paul Rowen has got a few skeletons in the old closet?...
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